How To Lose 3 Kilograms During a Week With Parsley Diet

With summer knocking on our doors, it is about time to start thinking about getting in shape fast, and most importantly in a healthy manner! If you are looking at a quick, easy and delicious...

Distinguish Between a Heart Attack And a Panic Attack

Panic attacks and heart attacks have quite similar symptoms and it is crucial to know which is happening so as to give the best care and reaction. Truth is both can start off in the...

6 Products That Can Successfully Replace Coffee

A cup of coffee in the morning is mandatory for most of us, but sometimes, due to health issues, we have to give it up. Still, replacing coffee with some of the products presented bellow...

How To Check If Eggs Are Still Fresh – Eggs Test

Eggs are a very common and healthy food with many proprieties and present in any house. Smell or the appearance of furry usually helps check if food has gone off, but eggs need a different...

Amazing Natural Remedies For Sexual Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the number 1 enemy of any couple and affects over 20% of men over the age of 50. This can be a problem also for young men, stress and smoking being among...

What Could Successfully Replace Coffee?

We all need something to keep us working until late, dancing or just waking us up.Some of us are green tea’s best friends, others are in love with coffee or others with some other stuffs. What...

Forget All About Stress In Less Than 5 Minutes!

You only need a few minutes and one awesome stress-relieving secret to feel brand new! While a bit of stress can boost your creativity and help you with tasks, excessive stress is not healthy. Today, we...

Best Natural Aphrodisiac Recipe For Men Who Want a Boost

As a men, it's not a shame to want a boost and to use an aphrodisiac. Moreover, using a natural aphrodisiac is amazing. This is a very old recipe that has passed from generation to...

Things That Your Eyes Say About Your Brain

The eyes are the windows of the soul ... or brain, if we consider the latest findings reported in the American journal Psychological Science. Our body transmit us many information about health. In this article...

These Common Habits Damage Your Kidneys

We all know that kidneys are responsible for filtering toxins from the blood and for balancing water or mineral in the body. However, there are people who simply do not give enough importance to these...