Homemade Natural Anti-Cellulite Scrub

Homemade Natural Anti-Cellulite Scrub is one of my favorite scrubs that I used to apply on my body after I take the shower. I love the flavor that coffee gives to anti-cellulite scrub and I am very pleased by the benefits of this scrub. It is known that coffee is the main ingredient in almost all anti-cellulite products that you find on the market. Also, this anti-cellulite scrub is a great and cheap way to get rid of cellulite in order to have a beautiful skin.

Homemade Natural Anti-Cellulite Scrub


  • 2 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil ( you can use other types of vegetable oils, like coconut oil)

Procedure: Put in a recipient all the ingredients and mix well. Now, your anti-cellulite scrub is ready! I keep the scrub in the bathroom and after I take the shower I gently massage my body with this anti-cellulite scrub. I apply it especially in the areas affected by cellulite. After a regular use, you will see that your cellulite diminishes. Moreover, you skin remain moisturized and soft.

Let’s find out how beneficial is coffee for out skin and now we can maintain our beauty using coffee:

  • Coffee refreshes and invigorates the skin: In various combinations, coffee provides amazing results, especially for the face skin. I usually mix coffee with honey or coffee with milk and cocoa. Both of them are amazing masks for your skin
  • Coffee enhances brown hair hue: If you have brown hair and you rinse it with a cup of coffee, you will notice great results
  •  Coffee gives firmness and suppleness to your skin
  • Coffee fades dark circles and brighten eyes
  • Coffee softens lips: coffee is a great scrub for your lips especially in winter. Also, it in recommended to use a coffee of cocoa based lip balm
