Homemade Multivitamins Juice

Today I prepared a natural multivitamins juice just with fruits. My final result was a green  fruit juice and I didn’t used just green fruits. I was sour and a little bit sweet and I liked its taste very much. I was full with vitamins.

Homemade Multivitamins Juice

Ingredients ( for 750 ml of juice):

  • 2 lemons
  • 4 small oranges
  • 2 green apples
  • 2 pears
  • 4 small kiwi

Procedure: Peel the lemons, oranges and kiwi. Cut in small pieces the apples and pears. Using a juicer, first squeeze the lemon, then the oranges, kiwi, pears and apples. Aaand your  multivitamin juice is ready! Drink it and you will be full with vitamins.

Proprieties of multivitamins juice

In my opinion, lemons has the most important role in this multivitamins juice.  Let’s find out how lemons are a great benefit for body.

  • first of all, lemons are an alkaline aliment that balance the acid-alkaline environment in the body
  • contain a high level of vitamin C
  • lemon juice is a rich source of thiamin (vitamin B1), vitamin B6, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and pantothenic acid, copper, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc and sodium
  • strengthens the immune system
  • fresh lemon juice has the ability to improve the functions of the stomach
  • relieves cold symptoms
  • lemon juice is antibacterial and antiviral
  • cleans the blood of toxins
  •  is a natural insecticide that helps eliminate mosquitoes and flies
  • lemons are also the antiseptic proprieties
  • lemon juice can be used to stop bleeding
  • lemon juice mixed with olive oil may help dissolve gallstones;
  • fresh lemon juice can be applied on bee stings caused by other insects and relieves pain
  • because lemon juice is high in potassium is recommended for all people with heart problems
  • lemons are used to improve digestion; relieve side effects of treatments for cancer, arthritis, liver disorders stimulation, dental and hair care;
