DIY Natural Green Celery Juice for Liver DETOX and Potency

Green juices are a natural source of health and this green celery juice will detoxify your liver, is great for potency and is a remedy for high blood pressure. Many people are temp to say that celery is just a trivial vegetable, but is not like that. Beyond the fact that many dishes would not have the same taste without celery, it has many proprieties for our health. I have to say that I don’t like the taste very much, but after I drink it, it makes me feel good, energized and full of health.

Natural Green Celery Juice

Ingredients (750 ml):

  • 1 big big celery
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 green apple

Procedure: Peel the celery and lemon. Wash all the vegetables and fruits. Cut the celery in small pieces and squeeze it in juicer. Do the same thing with all ingredients. You juice is ready and your liver is ready to be detoxified.

Celery has many proprieties for our health:

  • Celery contains vitamin A, B, C, K, PP, and minerals such as potassium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.
  • If you suffer from hypertension, eat celery because is a great adjunctive therapy. It has necessary  properties to help you in this problem. Recently, the University of Chicago have done research which confirmed that celery contains substances that balance pressure (by relaxing blood vessels)
  • Celery detoxify the organism
  • Celery consumption increases levels of immunity.
  • hose suffering from anemia already know that celery helps to achieve a balance of iron and magnesium values in the body
  • Regulates hormonal disorders.  Is an excellent hormonal regulator both for women and for men. For women, combat dysmenorrhea, infertility and help them overcome easier disorders caused by menopause. Celery juice combat frigidity and impotence. Celery increases the level of androsterone, a hormone produced by men which is released in the form of pheromones
