Incredible Benefits Of Sleeping Without Pillow

People have not always enjoyed the comfort of a soft bed and fluffy pillows during sleep. In China and ancient Egypt, the pillows were only decorative and made of wood or stone. In the Middle...

How To Get Rid Of Stuffy Nose Without Medicines

Nose drops create dependence most often and are not recommended to be used for more than seven consecutive days. But what if we can not breathe properly because of the stuffy nose? We are looking...

What Happens In Your Body If You Quit Eating Sugar 9 Days

A recent study made in USA reveals that quit eating sugar for only 9 days brings significant improvements to our health. The study, published in the Obesity journal , was conducted on 43 children suffering...

Things You Didn’t Know About the Birth Control Pill

Did you know that, birth control pill launched on the market in the 1950s, had the initial purpose to treat menstrual disorders? Menstrual disorders, those troublesome symptoms faced by millions of women: abdominal pain, increased...

2 Ingredients Remedy For Colon Cleansing

Some food debris remain longer inside of the intestines and must be eliminated, because they can create health problems. We need a functional colon to perform its proper functions. We all have unhappy times when...

The Most Important Rule When You Use A Condom

Condom is one of the most widely used contraceptive methods in the world and it is important to stay in that way. The reason? It is the only method that protects against sexually transmitted diseases...

The Reason You Shouldn’t Drink Flavored Water

Everything we eat and drink affects our health. If you've decided to change the carbonated drink to flavored water, the news are not that good. Maybe you thought that flavored water is healthier, but today...

5 Reasons Your Body Retains Water

Water retention refers to an excessive amount of water deposited inside the tissue. "- mentions Medical News Today. A large amount of our body is formed from water. The water is located in bones, hair,...

This Drink Will Stop You From Excessive Sweating

With summer already here, we are all facing one unpleasant problem: excessive sweating. Sweating is a natural process, it is our body’s response to temperature changings or movement. The excessive sweating is however a different...

Symptoms That Shouldn’t Be Ignored During Pregnancy

Many women feel different kinds of discomfort while they are pregnant, but there is a limit after which the discomfort should be taken serious. Even if most of the pain is quite harmless, there are...