4 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Sunspots

The skin may suffer every time you expose yourself to the sun without protection, but the problems don’t always appear immediately. Often, the effects are seen over time, as brown spots that appear on the face or on the back.

Sunspots occur in more sensitive areas and are accumulations of melanin, a skin pigment secreted by protective melanocytes. Generally, these spots appear due to skin burns caused by ultraviolet B-type rays.

The good news is that there are solutions to get rid of sunspots. Here’s what you should do to get rid of them:

Step 1: Exfoliate your skin

If you want a bright skin, you have to get rid of dead cells. And the best method is peeling. You can use the chemical peeling, or you can prepare a scrub with the ingredients you have in your home: coffee, sugar, or chocolate.

Step 2: Use creams and serums for this problem

The next step is to locate these “sunspots”, also known as hyperpigmentation spots. Choose a whitening product, based on hydroquinone, an enzyme required to produce melanin, and apply it to the skin according to the instructions from the prospect.

Step 3: Protection, protection and protection

Prevention first of all! Sunscreen cream should be used every day. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the use of creams with a 30 SPF. For maximum results, the lotion should be applied 30 minutes before leaving the house.

Step 4: Adjust your diet

Don’t forget about antioxidants. Foods rich in beta-carotene and other carotenoids, such as lycopene, could improve skin protection against UV radiation. The best sources of carotenoids are carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, spinach, broccoli, mango, apricots, peas, tomatoes and melon.

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